Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Senior Ventures Spotlight: Jack Bell & Aiden Parsa
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Senior Ventures Spotlight: Jack Bell & Aiden Parsa

Jack Bell | October 18, 2023 | 531 views

A major contributor to performing well in any athletic event is eating well. Both of us are athletes and know exactly what it feels like to have a bad practice or game because we did not have the proper nutrition beforehand. This is why we have decided to team up and research the best meals for athletic performance.

We have been looking into the needs of various sports and deciding which meals can best suit these needs. For example, a cross-country runner needs a meal full of carbs and proteins to elevate the quality of a race or a workout. With the help of the dining staff, we look to implement these meals into the school diet so that athletes and non-athletes alike receive proper nutrition. We are also planning to offer an iPeriod where we work with members of the dining hall staff to learn how to prepare meals athletes need to perform well.

Nutrition is a vital part of living a healthy lifestyle and researching it will help us to educate the Darlington Community on such an important topic. Proper nutrition helps you feel better, perform better and even live longer. You are not just trusting two high-schoolers; we are working alongside local dietitians to complete accurate research.

We look forward to continuing this project and helping as many people as possible.

Senior Ventures is a year-long academic program built on a framework of leadership, innovation and community engagement. Through a proven self-guided exploratory process, seniors whose proposals are selected for this program work independently to develop a project that’s interdisciplinary in scope and is connective, performance-based, investigative, or entrepreneurial. Click here to learn more.